Description of the feedback animation: This Hyper Pong set includes the Hyper Pong Basic feedback animation as well as the Hyper Pong Infinity game. As in the 70s classic video game, the patient controls a pedal to stop a ball leaving the field. If the ball bounces in front of the paddle, it is pushed back into the field, bounces off obstacles and destroys "stones" or "objects" with a score gaining effect. While the 70s Pong was still in black and white, the Hyper Pong feedback animation is colorful and diversified. Different landscapes and themes offer a great variety for the patient. Different level, from simply stacked stones to complex fantasy worlds offer countless variations of this animation. The speed of the ball, the number of bars and the level of difficulty are easy to configure.
Technical Specifications: The feedback elements of this feedback animation is mainly the change of displayed picture elements as well as the speed and brightness of the ball. A big advantage of this feedback is the patients distraction to consciously control the feedback elements. All feedback elements are very well subconsciously perceived in this feedback animation. For this feedback animation, the use of a controller is recommended.
Patients / clients: Adults, children & adolescents: people who prefer to keep the situation under control or people who like to play games and interactively participate in the game.
- Very challenging
- Intuitive and easy to control
- Play with one or four bars possible
- Level of difficulty is customisable to avoid long term frustration
- Visual and auditory feedback
- The combination of Hyper Pong Basic and Hyper Pong Infinity enables your patient to choose from over 300 different level
Contraindications: This neurofeedback animation is not suitable for patients who just want to be passively entertained or do not like using a game controller.
Included in delivery: Feedback animation licence codes to unlock the above mentioned Neurofeedback-animations in Cygnet